Her dog Nugget sat patiently off to the side, wearing a Flounder costume. “Some BTS of a lil Sunday sushi,” the pop star wrote in her caption. In a behind-the-scenes video, the Grammy nominee had to lie down on the floor while her team helped her into the form-fitting mermaid tail. “Look at this #americanidol episode, isn’t it neat?” she quipped alongside a photo of herself posing with her dinglehopper. Perry shared several photos of the outfit via Instagram after the show, referencing Ariel’s famous song “Part of Your World” in one of her captions. “Hell with mermaids!” Bryan exclaimed while looking directly into the camera. The audience then chanted, “Katy! Katy” as she sat down and took a sip of her drink. After the country star, 45, and Lionel Richie confirmed that the “Wide Awake” songstress was OK, they stood her back up with help from Seacrest, 47.